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University of Texas University of Texas Libraries

Scoping Reviews


Writing the report

Writing a clear and detailed review report and sharing it in the appropriate medium ensures that your research has the greatest impact, reaching those who can best put it to use.

Your report will include a summary and analysis of your findings, and a detailed explanation of your methods and process. Readers should be able to follow and potentially replicate every step. Refer back to the framework and guidelines you chose as you prepare your manuscript. Keep in mind the conventions of any commissioning body or target journal, as they may have specific requirements for scoping reviews.

Remember, the key is transparency and reproducibility.


The publication component is where librarians can become useful again. A librarian can help you identify high impact journals and help you consider the differences between open access and traditional publishing.

Do your research on the journal(s) you intend to submit to. Make sure you understand their audience, their scope and tone, and any standards or expectations they may have around scoping reviews.

Additional Publications

Think through how to maximize your publications with your work

  1. Published Scoping Review
  2. Published data & protocol
  3. Policy brief or white papers for an organization or popular or news rather than scholarly publication

You can cross pollinate by linking between them so that readers can more easily find them

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 Generic License.