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BA 324 - Business Communication

Dyad-Triad Project

Artificial Intelligence: Ethics & Workplace Issues


The Invisible Web at Work- Artificial Intelligence and Electronic Surveillance in the Workplace.

ABSTRACT: Employers and others who hire or engage workers to perform services use a dizzying array of electronic mechanisms to make personnel decisions about hiring, worker evaluation, compensation, discipline, and retention. These electronic mechanisms include electronic trackers, surveillance cameras, metabolism monitors, wearable biological measuring devices, and implantable technology. With these tools, employers can record their workers ' every movement, listen in on their conversations, measure minute aspects of performance, and detect oppositional organizing activities. 

Bales, R. A., & Stone, K. V. W. (2020). The Invisible Web at Work- Artificial Intelligence and Electronic Surveillance in the Workplace. Berkeley Journal of Employment & Labor Law, 41(1), 1–62.

The ethical implications of artificial intelligence (AI) for meaningful work

ABSTRACT: The increasing workplace use of artificially intelligent (AI) technologies has implications for the experience of meaningful human work. Meaningful work refers to the perception that one’s work has worth, significance, or a higher purpose. The development and organizational deployment of AI is accelerating, but the ways in which this will support or diminish opportunities for meaningful work and the ethical implications of these changes remain under-explored.

Bankins, S., & Formosa, P. (2023). The ethical implications of artificial intelligence (AI) for meaningful work: JBE. Journal of Business Ethics, 185(4), 725-740.

6 business risks of shortchanging AI ethics and governance

ABSTRACT: While AI can provide businesses competitive advantage in a variety of ways, from uncovering overlooked business opportunities to streamlining costly processes, the downsides of AI without adequate attention paid to AI governance, ethics, and evolving regulations can be catastrophic. A credit algorithm that discriminates against women or a human resources recommendation tool that fails to suggest leadership courses to some employees will put those individuals at a disadvantage.

Korolov, M. (2022). 6 business risks of shortchanging AI ethics and governance. Cio, Retrieved from

Not if but when: How will AI change your workplace culture?

ABSTRACT: Now that we've read all the business predictions for 2023, let's look a little further ahead at how artificial intelligence (AI) and related technologies like generative text and machine learning might more likely will change our workplaces. Already, AI applications are automating tasks in just about every industry, supercharging productivity, output and efficiency.

Not if but when: How will AI change your workplace culture? - Great Workplaces. (2023, February 24). Rochester Business Journal, NA.

Artificial intelligence and people management: A critical assessment through the ethical lens.

ABSTRACT: Artificial Intelligence (AI) increasingly common in workplaces around the world. AI has numerous useful applications and can help speed up business processes. AI is helping transform the nature of jobs and workplace employment relationships. AI algorithms can be misused and thus adversely impact the organization's human resources.

Varma, A., Dawkins, C., & Chaudhuri, K. (2023). Artificial intelligence and people management: A critical assessment through the ethical lens. Human Resource Management Review, 33(1), N.PAG.


Responsible A.I. : tackling tech’s largest corporate governance challenges.

This case examines new governance challenges that artificial intelligence (AI) is posing. As AI is increasingly developed and used by companies globally, leading tech companies—including Google—have or are developing responsible AI principles to help guide ethical decisions in developing, managing, and using AI. Principles can inform new strategies or initiatives, while impacting employee behavior. While companies have slightly different principles for responsible AI depending on their context and industry, there are similarities—including fairness and justice found across different principles. In 2017, Google’s CEO—Sundar Pichai—announced that Google would be an “AI first” company and shortly after prioritized the development of an ethical charter to guide the company when it came to AI. The company has made much progress including adopting responsible AI principles. However, the company—and its industry peers—continue to face challenges related to operationalizing the AI Principles. This case delves into the promise and rapid growth of AI, how companies have responded, and challenges to responsible AI development and management. It specifically explores how Google has addressed responsible AI innovation, including the launch of its AI Principles, structures created to bring those principles to life, and the role of grassroots leadership at the company. Finally, it explores a real challenge Google faces in operationalizing its AI Principles. By exploring the landscape of responsible AI and delving into challenges faced at Google, students can consider how to grapple with responsible innovation challenges and approaches to apply their own leadership on this timely issue.


McElhaney, K., Smith, G., Rustagi, I., & Groth, O. J., (2023). Responsible a.i.: tackling tech’s largest corporate governance challenges. In Sage Business Cases. SAGE Publications, Ltd.


How to search for your topic within a database:

Database: ABI/INFORM Global

Topic: Team Effectiveness

How to search for your topic within an eBook database:

Database: eBook Central

Topic: Team Effectiveness

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