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University of Texas University of Texas Libraries

UGS 302: Modern Day Slavery - Prof. Busch-Armendariz

Step 1: Get Organized and Avoid Plagiarism with NoodleTools

Play the Cite it Game

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Code:  #3416430

Want More? Watch the Avoiding Plagiarism Tutorial

Set up a NoodleTools Account

Set  up a citation manager at the beginning of your research. You can use it to take notes on your sources and stay organized, as well as help you with in text citations and  creating your bibliography/works cited list.

The UT Libraries recommends NoodleTools for undergraduate course projects that use APA, MLA and Chicago style. 

1. Register and create an account to get started using NoodleTools (free through UT).

2. Learn how to use it on the NoodleTools page

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 Generic License.