DAY 2: WEDNESDAY MAY 10 (Meet in UNB 2.102; breakout rooms: UNB 4.224, 4.206)
9:00am Plan for the day
9:20am Post-Its: Health
10:05 Report back
10:20am Coffee Break and Snacks
10:50am Soap Boxes 3 : What I need 10 participants x 5 min
12:00pm Lunch
1:30pm Breakout groups: similar disciplines discuss refining the questions
2:00pm Breakout groups: interdisciplinary groups discuss refining the questions
2:45pm Post-Its: Challenges and Future Directions What are the most promising research questions? What are the challenges preventing progress?
3:30 pm Coffee Break and Snacks
4:00pm Writing (individual, small groups)
4:50pm Wrap-up