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Individual & Population Variation in Biology, Medicine, & Society

Diverse researchers—from biology, medicine, statistics, nutrition, sociology, public health, anthropology, athletics, and more—will be collaborating across traditional research boundaries to investigate the causes and consequences of individual and popula

Precision Medicine


Description: The objective is to convene multi-disciplinary faculty thought leaders from the Dell Medical School and the UT campus in an intense, collaborative proposal development and submission effort over two weeks, from May 15-26, 2017, in response to RFAs we have targeted in the area of “Big Data and Precision Medicine” and inspired by the symposium and discussions preceding the working group.

Working Group Agenda, Notes & Resources

Working Group Schedule & Locations

5/15: 9am‐1pm: Introductions, Review objectives, Develop plan: schedule, approach, structure of two weeks

·       Mon 15th: POB 6.336

5/16‐26: 10am‐noon

·       Tue 16th: POB 3.336

·       Wed 17th: POB 3.336

·       Thur 18th: POB 3.336

·       Fri 19th: POB 3.336

·       Mon 22nd: POB 3.336

·       Tue 23rd POB 3.336

·       Wed 24th: POB 6.336

·       Thur 25th: POB 3.336

Institute Coordinator


Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Integrative Biology
College of Natural Sciences
Personal Page 
Hofmann Lab

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 Generic License.