Looking for something like Wikipedia but scholarly and appropriate for an academic assignment? Try these vetted, edited collections of scholarly encyclopedias, biographies, dictionaries, and bibliographies.
For more information on ebooks see the Ebook Guide
UT Austin has access to the all bibliographies in all subject areas.
For more information on ebooks see the Ebook Guide
We have access to several databases of ebooks, which you can search directly.
For more information on ebooks see the Ebook Guide
Users need to login via EID in order to use Ebook Central even if they are on campus.
Ebook Central can be accessed using a standard Internet browser. The Safari browser is recommended for Mac users.
Ebook Central provides books in Adobe PDF format, and works best with Acrobat Reader version 9 or later.
For more information on ebooks see the Ebook Guide
For more information on ebooks see the Ebook Guide
Use the Login link at the top right and then choose the Shibboleth option and find the UT Austin option and login
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Includes former CRC titles. Allows downloading of the entire book or reading online. By checking the "Full Access Content Only" box during your search, you can identify titles owned by the Libraries relevant to the search. Some titles may have DRM restrictions.
For more information on ebooks see the Ebook Guide
For more information on ebooks see the Ebook Guide
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