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University of Texas University of Texas Libraries

Biology - Research Basics

This guide is an outline of recommended resources and a research companion helping you to identify and successfully utilize biological research.

Citation Management

Free Citation Management Tools

Using a free citation management tool can make gathering resources, annotating and note taking, writing and citation in a paper a seamless process saving you time and energy. If you are thinking about grad school, I recommend getting started with one of the following resources:


Zotero​ -  



Both Zotero and Mendeley have pros and cons. I'm happy to discuss the finer points of distinction and help you get started with either system. Feel free to make an appointment or email me to get further help.

A word of caution, don't implicitly trust a citation manager to do the entire citation process for you. Proofreading your citations is highly recommended as is checking your imports for missing data upon article ingest to your citation management system. Citation managers can only output information at high quality if it's given high quality information

Read more on this topic: Using Citation Managers Responsibly

ZoteroBib by Zotero

Zotero introduced a new tool for citation. It's not a full citation manager, instead ZoteroBib is an on the fly tool to collect and format citations, and quickly obtain outputs in one of thousands of citation styles. 


​ZoteroBib can:

  • Generate citations with a URL, DOI or other identifier
  • Save your citations for you with a linking system
  • Allow you to share those citations utilizing the linking system
  • Copy and paste your formatted citations for use in a paper or project

Where ZoteroBib differs from some other tools that offer some of this functionality is Zotero is a free and open source tool that is not looking to gain money from your use. There are no adds bogging down your use of the tool, and if you are ready for more functionality and long term collection of resources into a personal library, it's easy to transition to the full Zotero program.

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 Generic License.