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Data Lab


Using Nvivo

NVivo is a tool for qualitative data analysis designed for working with text-rich and/or multimedia data. It is intended to organize and structure non-numerical data and has applications across the social sciences as well as in fields such as tourism and marketing. You can use it in the Data Lab in the PCL Scholars Lab. 

Learning NVivo | Resources and Guides

NVivo Video Tutorials - video guides from Lumivero, the developers of NVivo.

NVivo YouTube Channel - YouTube channel from the makers of NVivo. There are videos showing how NVivo can be used to analyze social media content, and how NVivo can support mixed methods analysis with qualitative data
How to use Nvivo 10 with Windows (PDF) - A tutorial from the makers of NVivo. It starts with how to create a project, and then describes how to work on different projects. Some of those projects include working with bibliographical data, memos/annotations/links, and working with demographic data.

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