With summer heat and rising temperatures, snakes are more noticeable on MSI campus and surrounding areas.
- Numerous reports of snake sightings on campus
- Of concern are Western diamondback rattlesnake or Texas diamond-back (Crotalus atrox) and the Western massasauga (Sistrurus tergeminus)

- Be careful and be aware of your surroundings.
- Walk in clear paths, making sure to look ahead.
- If near a rattler, the warning noise is a rattle (obviously!)
- Good idea NOT to wear headphones or ear buds in a "potential" environment.
- Avoid tall grass and shady areas next to buildings or other structures.
- Snakes seek cooler areas to escape the heat.
- If you see a rattlesnake:
- keep your distance, walk away calmly.
- call security if on campus: 749-6738, cellular: 361-332-9641.
- call Port Aransas Police if off-campus: 749-6241.
- UTMSI Snakebite Protocol:
- CALL 9-1-1 immediately if bitten!!
- Get away from the snake.
- Remove restrictive clothing.
- Position the extremity appropriately.
- READ & Be informed.