Use UTLearn for further training opportunities.
Updated OH 202 Requirement
An updated OH 202 Hazardous Waste Management course is now available in UT Learn. This course reflects changes in waste management at the University and updated regulations. All employees are required to complete the updated course after January 12, 2022. If you have previously taken OH 202, please follow the OH 202 instructions to make sure your transcript reflects the new date of training.
Any questions about EHS training can be directed to the EHS Training Coordinator (
UT Environmental Health & Safety
EHS offers a variety of online, instructor-led, and specialty training for the University of Texas at Austin staff, faculty, and students that meet regulatory and policy requirements and support a culture of safety for the University of Texas at Austin.
Any questions about EHS training can be directed to the EHS Training Coordinator (
Training Courses and Descriptions
Find a list for training courses - All courses are online and require a UT EID unless noted otherwise.
(EHS online training can be found in UTLearn, the University’s employee training management system. You can search for and complete the training directly in UTLearn)
Learn more about automatic external defibrillators (AEDs) and providing CPR to someone in need through the TAKE10 CPR program. TAKE10 CPR is a compression-only CPR course that can be completed in10-15 minutes. This quick course is designed to provide attendees the knowledge and confidence to recognize when someone is in cardiac arrest and ow to respond until help arrives.
For more information or to sign up for a course, please email:
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