The Find it@UT button connects your search results to subscribed content from the UT Libraries, and is your one-stop shop for getting the full-text of articles.

In order for the "Find it @ UT" button to show in PubMed, you need to either:
- Enter PubMed through the library website. It can be found in the A to Z databases list, but it is also listed on many of the library guides, and at the top of this webpage.
- Or, enter PubMed from anywhere (library website or on the open web) and login to your My NCBI account via the instructions here.
- Still not showing? While logged into your My NCBI account, click on your username (in the upper righthand corner of the PubMed page) to select Dashboard in the pull-down menu. Now choose NCBI Site Preferences > PubMed Preferences > Outside Tool > Find it@UT, and SAVE.