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University of Texas University of Texas Libraries

LLILAS Benson Digital Collections and Content

This guide is aimed to provide users with a comprehensive resource to help them navigate and access the Benson's digital content which stems from a variety of projects and departments.

Digital Scholarship

LLILAS Benson Digital Scholarship


Research Publication

Texas Data Repository

Texas Data Repository (TDR)  is a research data management system, managed by the Texas Digital Library (TDL) member institutions, which supports sharing and publishing research data and other project work. 

Texas ScholarWorks

Texas ScholarWorks provides open, online access to the products of the University's research and scholarship, to preserve these works for future generations, to promote new models of scholarly communication, and to help deepen community understanding of the value of higher education.

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 Generic License.