From the UT Libraries' homepage, type the book title you are searching for in the search box. You'll find results across many different library resources.
When your results load, select "Library Catalog" from the dropdown arrow to narrow your results to include books and media
After searching, you need to look for four details:
1. Is this book in print or is it electronic (an ebook that you can access online)?
2. If the book you want is a physical book, log into your account and look for the pick it up button.
3. Is the book AVAILABLE? If not, there will be a due date. Click the Pick it Up Button to request it and select the library location where you'd like to pick it up. Keep in mind that it will take several days for the current borrower to return it. Wait for an email telling you your books are ready before you come get them!
4. Are you ready to check out? Either get the book off the shelf yourself, or click the Pick it Up button and a library staff member will get the book and bring it to the library location you selected to pick it up. Wait for an email telling you your books are ready before you come get them! It will take 1-2 business days.
Wait for an email telling you your books are ready before you come to the library location your chose to pick them up. Bring your UT ID.
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