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University of Texas University of Texas Libraries

International Relations & Global Studies

LibGuide for the International Relations & Global Studies program


Finding Statistical Information: Databases and Websites

Getting Started with Statistics

As you start to search for statistics, think about how and why the data behind the statistics might have been gathered, including by whom.  Ask questions such as 

  • What is the time period?  Is this historical or more recent data?
  • What is the geographic region covered by the data?  Is local, regional, national level data?
  • Who created the data and why?  Was is a governmental project?  a think tank? a community-based project?

Think also about the research method used in gathering the data as well as the methods you might like to use with it.  Can you download the data (Excel, CSV), manipulate and/or visualize it (charts, graphs), does it include geospatial data (for GIS)? 

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