The IRG program describes this track as dealing with the understanding of transnational cultural issues through a number of analytical perspectives and themes, such as race, gender, class, language, religion, food, and entertainment/sport. In these courses, the nation is not the central analytical framework for the investigation of cultural questions. Instead, matters of cultural identity are placed within a regional and even global context. These courses investigate both the cultural connections among peoples across national boundaries as well as the tensions that such contact may engender. Courses in this track may be concerned with the effects of modern media—radio, television, film, and the Internet—upon shaping cultural identity, as well as the impact of artistic expression, such as through literature, painting, drama, and music.
See below for a top-level list of databases. For a full list of databases by topic see:
Communication Studies
Jurnalism and Media
For specific LibGuides by topic see:
Communication Studies
Jurnalism and Media
See below for a top-level list of databases. For a full list of databases by topic see:
Art & Art History
For specific LibGuides by topic see:
Art & Art History
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The database will grow by 18,000 records per year, ensuring unbroken coverage of journals that were indexed in BHA and IBA prior to 2010. The initial data set created by the Getty Research Institute in 2008-2009 covers scholarship up to 2009, including retrospective records for material published in previous years, and in some cases the new ProQuest indexing will also cover retrospective years in order to fill gaps in coverage.
Publications covered include at least 500 core journals, with an emphasis on specialist and rare titles that are not covered by other indexes, plus detailed coverage of monographs, essay collections, conference proceedings and exhibition catalogues.
See below for a top-level list of databases. For a full list of databases by topic see: English Literature (includes resources in translation) Comparative Literature
For specific LibGuides by topic see: English Literature Comparative Literature
Coverage varies. Unlimited users.
Search across all 17 Adam Matthew primary source databases or select specific databases to combine. Note that the "Archives Direct" link contains the Foreign Office Files from the Middle East, India, Pakistan and Afghanistan.
See below for a top-level list of databases. For a full list of databases by topic see: Music
For specific LibGuides by topic see: Music
We have a limited number of users for this database. Please select the logout option before you leave your session. When the limit is reached, a username and password prompt will probably be displayed. If this happens, simply wait 15 minutes and then try the link again.
See below for a top-level list of databases. For a full list of databases by topic see: Radio, Television, and Film Film & Video
For specific LibGuides by topic see: Radio, Television, and Film Film & Video
Also includes more than 9,000 hours of special news-related programming including ABC's Nightline since 1989. These special reports and periodic news broadcasts cover presidential press conferences and political campaign coverage, and national and international events such as the Watergate hearings, the plight of American hostages in Iran, the Persian Gulf war, and the terrorist attack on the United States on September 11, 2001.
Note: The Archive offers video streams that are duplications of entire broadcasts. Broadcasts from CNN and NBC can be streamed; broadcasts from all sources, including ABC, CBS, and Fox, can be loaned and downloaded in MP4 format after creating an account and paying a duplication fee ($17 per clip + a $10 processing fee). See Request a Loan from the Collection for more information.
Search this database along with its two companion databases (American Film Institute Catalog and Film Index International) at the Screen Studies Collection.
Produced in collaboration with the British Film Institute (bfi), the database is based on the Summary of Film and Television (SIFT) database collated by the bfi over the past 70 years.
Search this database along with its two companion databases (AFI (American Film Institute) Catalog and FIAF Index to Film Periodicals) at the Screen Studies Collection.
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