Need to check if UT Libraries subscribes to a journal? Add the Check UT Libraries Bookmark to quickly redirect your browser to access from UT Libraries.
Add Tool
- Follow your browser's menu options for creating a bookmark on your bookmark bar.
- Set the bookmark URL or destination to: javascript:void(location.href=""+location.href)
- Set the bookmark name to: Check UT Libraries
Use Tool
- When browsing the web and you encounter a paywalled journal article, click on your Check UT Libraries bookmark.
- The browser should redirect and allow access if UT Libraries subscribes to the content. If UT Libraries does not subscribe, you will still see a paywall.
This bookmark requires specific browser settings to operate as intended. Make sure your browser is configured to:
- Allow third-party cookies
- Allow pop-ups
- Accept javascript
The tool works better on some browsers than others. Some restrictions to note are:
- Mac users:
- Chrome will not allow the bookmark to operate if you are running some operating systems (e.g. High Sierra, Mojave)
- For other operating systems with Chrome, add the EZproxy extension to allow the bookmark to function
- Safari works more consistently than Chrome
Note that the proxy prefix is already included in links from the UT Libraries site, like the Databases A-Z or the Library Search.