Please note that these are estimates due to the fact, private companies within the US are not required to file reports with the US Securities & Exchange Commission ( |
Data Axle may provide the following information for private companies...
Formerly known as ReferenceUSA.
Investext contains active and historical research reports from brokerages, investment banks and independent research firms around the globe including Barclays, Credit Suisse, Cowen & Company, J.P. Morgan, and Deutsche Bank.
Follow instructions below to find analyst reports for private companies and subsidiaries as well. For better results select NO DATA RANGE.
Private Companies & Subsidiaries |
1. Select + sign next to Keywords in Search Criteria box 2. Select Search Headline or Search Whole Report from drop-down menu 3. Type Company Name 4. Select + sign next to Category in Search Criteria box 5. Type "Equity", then select 6. Click on Submit to see number of matches and then View to go to the search results page. |
Private Company Ratios: Since private company financials are not disclosed, ratios can provide a benchmark for comparison and sizing the market. |
EStatement Studies includes Financial Ratios Benchmarks -- Comprehensive, detailed data on over 700 industries derived directly from financial statements.To locate your industry use the NAICS code, the link for the North American Industry Classification System is below. |
North American Industry Classification System (NAICS)Adopted in 1997,the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) is the standard used by Federal statistical agencies in classifying business establishments for the purpose of collecting, analyzing, and publishing statistical data related to the U.S. business economy. |
eStatement Studies includes two publications:
Financial Ratios Benchmarks -- Comprehensive, detailed data on over 700 industries derived directly from financial statements.
Industry Default Probabilities and Cash Flow Measures includes:
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