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This libguide will help guide the creation of an Omeka account. It will also help with uploading content, setting up collections, and creating exhibits.

Creating Collections

Omeka Collections

An Omeka collection is a selection of items that are grouped together for a specific theme, subject, etc.

Collections help organize your site into distinct sections and clarify the purpose of your site to users. 

This page will help you create collections in Omeka and add items to your collections. 

Creating Collections

To start a new collection, click on the "Collections" tab on your site's dashboard and click "Add a Collection."

Then, you can enter Dublin Core metadata to the collection. Refer to our "Introduction to Metadata" page for more information on Omeka's metadata standards.

After entering the collection's metadata, click on "Add Collection." Also, you may select the collection to be "Public" (e.g. it can be viewable to the public on the site) and/or "Featured" (e.g. the collection will be on the site's front page).

You can now add items to this collection.

You can edit existing collections or add more collections to your site via the "Collections" tab on your site's dashboard.

Adding Items to a Collection

To add items to a collection, click on the "Items" tab on your site's dashboard.

Then, click on the checkboxes next to each item you want to add and click "Edit."

Now, you can select a collection to place these items. Once the collection is selected, click on "Save Changes" to add them to the collection.

You can individually add items to a collection by clicking "Edit" under the specific item on the "Items" page. Then, you can select a collection to place the item. Once the collection is selected, click on "Save Changes" to add the item to the collection.

Note: An item can only belong to one collection at a time. You can move an item to a different collection at any time.  

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 Generic License.