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University of Texas University of Texas Libraries

Social Work Research

Scholarly Articles

Recommended Resources

High Impact Social Work Journals

Top 5 social work journals with the highest 5-year impact factor rankings in Journal Citation Reports.

What is a library database?

Your instructor or subject librarian may throw around the term "library database" a lot, but what exactly do they mean? This video from RMIT University in Australia explains the term and how you can use databases for research.

Transcript available through YouTube.

Check UT Libraries Bookmark

Need to check if UT Libraries subscribes to a journal? Add the Check UT Libraries Bookmark to quickly redirect your browser to access from UT Libraries.

Add Tool

  1. Follow your browser's menu options for creating a bookmark on your bookmark bar. 
  2. Set the bookmark URL or destination to: javascript:void(location.href=""+location.href)
  3. Set the bookmark name to: Check UT Libraries

Use Tool

  1. When browsing the web and you encounter a paywalled journal article, click on your Check UT Libraries bookmark.
  2. The browser should redirect and allow access if UT Libraries subscribes to the content. If UT Libraries does not subscribe, you will still see a paywall.


This bookmark requires specific browser settings to operate as intended. Make sure your browser is configured to:

  • Allow third-party cookies
  • Allow pop-ups
  • Accept javascript

The tool works better on some browsers than others. Some restrictions to note are:

  • Mac users:
    • Chrome will not allow the bookmark to operate if you are running some operating systems (e.g. High Sierra, Mojave)
    • Safari works more consistently than Chrome

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Troubleshooting Electronic Resources

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 Generic License.