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Testing the LibGuide system for AILLA use

4. How-Tos and FAQs

AILLA How-Tos & FAQs

  1. I made an account, but I can't see any of the media files.
    • Your account must be verified by AILLA staff in order to view media files in AILLA. AILLA staff verify accounts on business days, Monday to Friday 9 to 5 pm CST.
  2. How do I update my profile?
    • After clicking on your user icon, click on the profile option to update your profile. Check out this Youtube video that explains how this works.
  3. How do I reset my password?
    • Reset your password by clicking on "Forgot Password?" on the login screen, then you can request that an email be sent with details on how to reset your password. A Youtube video explaining how this works is also available on AILLA's Youtube page.
  4. How do I change my password?
    • Change your password by navigating to "security" after clicking on your profile icon. There is an option to change your password. We also have a Youtube video that explains how this works in more detail.
  5. How do I check my permissions?
    • Check your permissions by navigating to the permissions tab after clicking on your profile icon. This Youtube video demonstrates how to view your permissions.
  6. How do I cite sources in AILLA?
    • Cite sources by clicking on the quotation mark at collection, folder, or set level. This Youtube video demonstrates how the cite button functions. Look at AILLA's citation guidelines to learn more about how to cite sources in AILLA.
  7. How do I switch language interfaces in AILLA?
    • Switch the language interface by clicking on the language button at the top of the screen. This will be on the left side of the screen if you're on the home page and on the right side of the screen if you're on any other page. This Youtube video explains how to switch language interfaces in AILLA.
  8. How do I switch between grid view and list view in AILLA?
    • Switch between grid view and list view by clicking on the grid view and list view buttons on the upper right corner of the screen. AILLA also has a Youtube video demonstrating how this is done.
  9. How do I navigate collections?
    • There are four levels in a collection: the collection level, folder level, set level, and the media file. Navigate an AILLA collection by moving through the different levels. Watch this Youtube video that explains how to navigate collections in more detail.
  10. How do I do faceted searches in AILLA?
    • After searching for a term in the search bar, use facets to narrow down search results. This Youtube video explains how to do so in more detail.
  11. How do I search the country authority files?
    • Search the country authority files by first navigating to the countries page. Search the country records by country name or country code. AILLA has a Youtube video that demonstrates how to do this.
  12. How do I search the language authority files?
    • Search the language authority files by first navigating to the languages page. Search by language name or by language code. Watch this Youtube video that explains how this is done.
  13. How do I search the person authority files?
    • Search the person authority files by first navigating to the persons page. Search by person name. This Youtube video demonstrates how to search the person records.
  14. How do I show more search results?
    • Show more search results by navigating to the bottom of the page after searching for a term in the search bar. Click the downward facing arrow next to "rows by page" and change this to 50 or 100 rows. AILLA has a Youtube video that demonstrates how this is done.
  15. How do I download the metadata in AILLA?
    • Download the metadata at the collection, folder, and set levels. Navigate to the level you'd like to download the metadata from and click the downward facing arrow at the top right corner of the screen. This Youtube video explains how to download AILLA metadata in more detail.
  16. How do I download media files in AILLA?
    • Download media files by navigating to the set level and clicking on the downward-facing arrow next to the media files at the bottom of the screen. Read the AILLA terms and conditions of use and click download. Both the media file and a CSV containing its associated metadata will download. Watch this Youtube video demonstrating this in more detail.

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