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Testing the LibGuide system for AILLA use

1. Terms & Conditions of Use

AILLA Terms & Conditions of Use

I agree to the following terms and conditions on the use of AILLA resources:

  1. I will abide by all national laws and international treaties that are relevant to the Rights Statement for each media file. 

    • I will respect the intellectual property rights, copyrights, and cultural protocols that pertain to AILLA's collections.

    • I will not use any resource in the AILLA collections for commercial purposes without a legal authorization to do so, for example, explicit permission or license from the rights holder.

    • I will not alter or modify any resource in the AILLA collections without a legal authorization to do so, for example, explicit permission or license from the rights holder or Fair Use of Copyrighted Materials (US Code Title 17, Sec. 107).

    • I will not create works derived from any resource in the AILLA collections without a legal authorization to do so, for example, explicit permission or license from the rights holder or Fair Use of Copyrighted Materials (US Code Title 17, Sec. 107).

  2. I will act in good faith in interactions with AILLA's User Accounts, User Roles, and Visibility Settings. 

    • I will not attempt to disguise my identity, including when I create an AILLA user account.

    • I will not attempt to impersonate an AILLA depositor or resource creator.

    • I will abide by the decisions made by resource controllers concerning the visibility of (or access to) AILLA resources.

  3. If the metadata for a resource states that names of creators and contributors must be kept anonymous, I will respect their anonymity in any spoken or written representation of that resource that I produce.

  4. I will cite any AILLA resource that I make use of in any published work according to the AILLA Citation Guidelines. 

Download AILLA Terms & Conditions

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 Generic License.