Access to this resource is partially funded by the Emily Knauss Library Endowment for the Liberal Arts.
Full text searching allows users to search across the entire database for the specific term/subject/person/event they are looking for. Searches can be restricted by categories (such as, Advertising, Business News, Images, Editorials, etc.), by states & cities, and by date of publication. Also includes a number of scholarly essays on topics and events such as the Confederacy, fires & firefighting, immigration, and elections.
Based on the “Recovering the U.S. Hispanic Literary Heritage Project", a national research effort directed by Professor Nicolás Kanellos.
The resource provides a look into LGBT life from the late 19th to the early 21st centuries, covering topics such as bars and saloons, gay communities, clubs and social organizations, gay activism and activists, gay rights, AIDS, films, politics, books, medical treatments and procedures, gender identity, discrimination, and more.
Includes material from the Kinsey Institute Archive and Library, the ONE National Gay & Lesbian Archives, the Jeanne Cordova Papers, the Magnus Hirschfeld Collection, and more.
The University of Texas Libraries subscribes to the entire database, including The Civil War Era (1857-1865), Reconstruction I (1866-1871), Reconstruction II (1872-1877), Gilded Age I (1878-1883), Gilded Age II (1884-1889), Gilded Age III (1890-1895), Gilded Age IV (1896-1901), Gilded Age V (1902-1907), and Gilded Age VI (1908-1912).
HarpWeek is designed for Netscape Navigator 3.x or above OR Internet Explorer 3.x or above at 800 X 600 screen resolution with Java, JavaScript and Cookies enabled. Printing pages (which are large -- the original size is 11" x 15.5") can best be accomplished by downloading the page to disk, then opening the page in an image-manipulation program.
The Vogue Archive also features specialist indexing of full-page images from photo features. This has been newly created by Condé Nast, with expert indexers using controlled lists to apply keywords to each separate image within a document. There are separate designated fields for Fashion Item (e.g. kimono, Breton jacket, scoop neckline), Person Pictured, Company/brand, Designer Name and Material (e.g. chiffon, wool).
Access to full text portion of this resource is funded by the the Louise Farmer Boyer Chair in Biblical Studies.
Search this database along with its two companion databases (American Film Institute Catalog and Film Index International) at the Screen Studies Collection.
Also provides access to the following:
Access to this resource is funded by the Tarlton Law Library at the Jamail Center for Legal Research.
Restricted to current UT students, faculty and staff. Not available to Official UT Retirees
More recent issues are available in LexisNexis Academic, Factiva and Library PressDisplay.
More recent years are also available in other full text resources.
More recent years are also available in other full text resources.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 Generic License.