Memorandum on MKULTRA project (Document # 0005444836), found using the CREST database.
The National Security Archive is an independent non-governmental research institute and library located at The George Washington University.
The Homeland Security Digital Library (HSDL) is sponsored by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security Office of Grants and Training and the Naval Postgraduate School Center for Homeland Defense and Security. The Homeland Security Digital Library (HSDL) is the nation's premier collection of homeland security policy and strategy related documents.
Records of the Immigration and Naturalization Service, Series A: Subject Correspondence Files:
Access to this resource is funded by the Tarlton Law Library at the Jamail Center for Legal Research.
Access to this resource is funded by the Tarlton Law Library at the Jamail Center for Legal Research.
Access to this resource is funded by the Tarlton Law Library at the Jamail Center for Legal Research.
The PAIS Archive database comprises a retrospective conversion of the PAIS Annual Cumulated Bulletin, Volumes 1-62, published 1915-1976. At completion of this conversion, the PAIS Archive contains over 1.23 million records.
House and Senate Reports and Documents indexed in ProQuest Congressional (1817-1969) are available in full text in the Serial Set database. Our subscription to ProQuest Congressional does not include full text of the Serial Set.
Congressional Hearings after 2013 and House and Senate Documents and Reports indexed in ProQuest Congressional (1995 to present) are available in full text on site from the Government Printing Office.
Series I: Petitions to State Legislatures offers access to important but virtually unused primary source materials that were scattered in state archives of Alabama, Delaware, Florida, Mississippi, Missouri, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, and Virginia. The collection includes virtually all extant legislative petitions on the subject of race and slavery.
Series II: Petitions to Southern County Courts were collected from local courthouses, and candidly document the realities of slavery at the most immediate grassroots level in southern society. It was at county courthouses where the vast majority of disputes over the institution of slavery were referred.
Slavery and the Law also includes State Slavery Statutes, a master record of the laws governing American slavery, covering 1789–1865.
The maps published as part of the U. S. Congressional Serial Set publications are also searchable. Includes all maps from 1817 - 1980.
Access to this resource is funded by the Tarlton Law Library at the Jamail Center for Legal Research.
A more detailed description of the contents of this collection can be found here.
If you aren't finding what you had hoped to find or would like some guidance as you explore government documents, please ask for assistance:
CREST is the name of the CIA database of declassified intelligence documents. The database, searchable by title, data, and text content, includes Directorate of Operations reports on the role of intelligence in the post WW-II period; material on the creation, organization, and role of the CIA within the U.S. Government; a collection of foreign scientific articles, ground photographs and associated reference materials. Not all of the documents indexed are available online.
An online CREST Finding Aid to research availability of CIA documents declassified and loaded onto CREST is available.
The Torture Archive is an ongoing project of the National Security Archive. It was begun in association with Washington Media Associates, which produced the documentary film Torturing Democracy in 2008.
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