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University of Texas University of Texas Libraries

Kinesiology & Health Education Research

Increasing Access to Your Work

Using Open Access to Increase your Impact

Open Access is the free, immediate, online availability of research to other scholars and the public. Expanded access creates an environment where research can have a wider reach and quicker discovery. Open access to research also means that research funding can have a deeper impact by allowing others to freely and quickly build on that scholarship and data.


Sharing Your Work

When your author agreement allows for self-archiving rights, take advantage and share your work with the world! If your work lives beyond the paywall of a journal site, it's more likely to be found and cited by a wider audience. Repositories are great archiving options for many reasons.

  • Repository content is included in Google Scholar searches, so your work is more easily found by other researchers
  • You'll receive a stable link to the document, which can be easily shared and added to your personal website
  • Repositories take responsibility for preservation of the document and maintenance/updating of related data

Creative Commons

If you've authored something you're not likely to publish in an academic journal, but would like to share it with the world, make sure to copyright your work and make your reuse preferences clear.

Creative Commons...

Scholar Services

Scholarly Communication

  • Scholarly Communication Services: Find resources and expertise to support the scholarly publication process including copyright, author rights and open scholarship. 
  • Copyright Crash Course: This online course covers copyright and links to other resources related to Fair Use, Public Domain and Creative Commons.
  • Open Access at UT Austin: Learn about open access opportunities on campus and open memberships.
  • Texas ScholarWorks: Online archive managed by UT Libraries where faculty can publicly share articles, conference papers, book chapters, posters, technical reports, and more.


Digital Humanities

Other Services/Resources

  • Citation Management: A guide with information and support for citation managers for research organization.
  • Find Funding: A guide to finding funding, including PIVOT, a database of funding opportunities with access provided by the UT Libraries.
  • Systematic Reviews: A guide to conducting systematic reviews. 

Author Agreements

When your article is accepted for publication, pay attention to the author agreement and make sure to take advantage of any opportunities you have to make post-prints, or the paper itself, open!

SHERPA/RoMEO is a searchable database of author agreements and a great place to find a journal's policies regarding article sharing and self-archiving.

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 Generic License.