When searching within the Library Catalog scope, you'll find records for printed and electronic books (ebooks or e-books) that are owned or provided by the University Libraries. In the Simple Search box you can enter terms such as:
- words from the book title
- author names
- publisher name
- words from series title and number
- words from subject headings

Use the Advanced Search option for more specific and complex searches.
When you Refine results by Resource Type and choose Books, the system will show both physical and electronic books.

Find only Electronic or Physical Books
Limit your search to only electronic books by selecting Available Online in the Refine results options. To limit to physical books only, select Physical Copy instead.

Search Tips
- Select the "Other" category under Resource Type to be thorough and catch any records that may not display properly as books.
- If you're looking for book chapters, try searching in the Articles & More scope, which indexes chapters from many (but not all) electronic books available to you. You can then limit your results to Book Chapters using the Refine results menu. Remember that this scope only covers electronic books, not print books.
- If you're looking for a specific book, choose the Library Catalog scope. If you use the Everything scope you will also find reviews of the book, but we may not actually own the book itself.
- In cases where we have both a physical and electronic version of a book they will often be displayed together.