Dissertations and theses submitted at UT Austin can be found in the Library Catalog scope of the search interface. These include both the physical copies currently housed in storage (mostly before 2010) and electronic theses and dissertations (ETDs) that are available only online from our repository, Texas ScholarWorks. Most records for ETDs also include a summary of the work.
Note: It usually takes as much as a year after a degree is granted before the dissertation is cataloged and available to the public. If the student has placed an embargo on access, it won't be available for about three years after submission.
Millions of dissertations from around the world are indexed via ProQuest Dissertations and Theses Global, which is included in the Articles & More scope of Library Search. Full text of many dissertations can be found via ProQuest (restricted to UT Austin users) or Open Access from various repositories.
To find these, do a search in the Articles & More section, and facet by Resource Type > Dissertations.
You can also search PQDTG database directly:
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