Updated daily. Evidence-based point-of-care information for clinicians, organized by disease state. DynaMed Plus includes ICD9/ICD10 codes, images, Micromedex drug content, and access from electronic health records. A mobile app is available to users who sign up for a personal account.
EE+ is a powerful, comprehensive clinical decision support system that integrates information on 9,000 diagnoses into healthcare professional’s clinical workflows. This clinical was developed for physicians, nurses, and other healthcare professionals on the front line of patient care. EE+ features over 13,000 topics, guidelines, abstracts, tools, images, and summaries covering the most common conditions, diseases, and procedures clinicians come in contact with every day. Every recommendation carries a strength-of-evidence rating that accurately grades each recommendation’s merit on the basis of all of the evidence available in the relevant literature.
Updated regularly. Provides full text access to key medical reference sources and textbook and includes Board Vitals. Stat!Ref is now part of TDS Health.
See QMDT (Quick Medical Diagnosis & Treatment)
Most current edition. Unlimited users.
Create a free My Access account while logged in to access content without additional logins required. My Access also enables creation and saving of practice tests, saving and downloading images.
Updated regularly. This resource is now part of AccessMedicine. A clinical decision support tool providing targeted answers to more than 120,000 questions encountered at the point of care. ClinicalAccess also inclues over 20,000 images, videos, algorithms and other media integrated into the answer to enhance understanding of the topic.
Updated quarterly. Includes reliable and up-to-date information on the effects of interventions in health care. Provides information and evidence to support decisions taken in health care and to inform those receiving care. Consists of a regularly updated collection of evidence-based medicine databases, including:
The Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews (Cochrane Reviews)
Database of Abstracts of Reviews of Effects (DARE)
The Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL)
The Cochrane Database of Methodology Reviews (Methodology Reviews)