Historical Newspapers, Magazines, and Trade Publications are a great way to find contextual information about the historical period to which your research project belongs. While you may not find specific information on a building or architect, you may find valuable information with regard to the concerns of the day.
Local and Texas Historical Newspapers:
More recent issues are available in LexisNexis Academic, Factiva and Library PressDisplay.
Digitized copies and content of the Daily Texan.
Historical Newspapers:
1827 - 1998. Unlimited users.
Updated regularly (until completed). When completed, will provide online access to approximately 270 African American U.S. newspapers. Features papers from more than 35 states. The newspapers were scanned from the collections of the Wisconsin Historical Society, Kansas State Historical Society and the Library of Congress.
1690 - 1990s. Unlimited users.
Updated regularly. Includes more than 1,000 U.S. historical newspapers published between 1690 and the 1990s, including titles from all 50 states. Search by dates/eras, article types (news & opinion, election returns, letters, poetry/songs, legislative, prices, advertisements, matrimony & death notices), region/state, and newspaper name.
The University of Texas Libraries subscribes to the entire database, including The Civil War Era (1857-1865), Reconstruction I (1866-1871), Reconstruction II (1872-1877), Gilded Age I (1878-1883), Gilded Age II (1884-1889), Gilded Age III (1890-1895), Gilded Age IV (1896-1901), Gilded Age V (1902-1907), and Gilded Age VI (1908-1912).
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Based on the “Recovering the U.S. Hispanic Literary Heritage Project", a national research effort directed by Professor Nicolás Kanellos.
More recent years are also available in other full text resources.
Full text searching allows users to search across the entire database for the specific term/subject/person/event they are looking for. Searches can be restricted by categories (such as, Advertising, Business News, Images, Editorials, etc.), by states & cities, and by date of publication. Also includes a number of scholarly essays on topics and events such as the Confederacy, fires & firefighting, immigration, and elections.
More recent years are also available in other full text resources.
1600 - 1799. Unlimited users.
The newspapers and pamphlets gathered by the Reverend Charles Burney (1757-1817) represent the largest single collection of 17th and 18th century English news media available anywhere. The 1,270-title collection includes a wide range of pamphlets, proclamations, newsbooks and newspapers from the period, covering more than 200 years of accounts from newspapers from England, Ireland, Scotland and a handful of papers from British colonies in the Americas and Asia.
Here are some suggestions to get you thinking:
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