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University of Texas University of Texas Libraries

Historic Preservation

Citations and Data

Research Organization with Citation Managers

Annotated Bibliographies

Citation Management

Keep a research journal for citations:

  • Where you have looked
  • What you found
  • How you found it
    • Footnote from another source
    • Database search
  • When you received or retrieved the item
  • Record the author, title (book, article, journal), volume/issue number, date, page numbers, call number


  • A free bibliographic management extension that works with Firefox.
  • Extract bibliographic information from websites and records in both library catalogs and databases
  • Supplement your citation library including automatic capture of webpages, storage of files, images and links
  • Note taking and search abilities
  • Captures information as you do research
  • Share citations with collaborators

Citation Style

Citing Your Sources

  • Includes information on APA, MLA, and Chicago
  • Check with your instructor to find out which citation style they prefer
  • Whichever citation format you select, be consistent

Chicago Manual of Style

  • Chicago is the preferred citation format for Art and Architecture

Research Data Services

Research Data Services is a multi-disciplinary partnership between UT Libraries, the Texas Advanced Computing Center, Information Technology Services, and the Office of Sponsored Projects committed to the advancement and support of good practice in the management and stewardship of research data across all disciplines. Our aim is to connect researchers with the appropriate tools, resources, and expertise required for dealing with data at every phase of research, from the earliest planning stages through to archiving and publication.

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 Generic License.