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University of Texas University of Texas Libraries


For New Researchers


Are you a new grad student?  Let's face it -- navigating the universe of scientific information is complicated.  Your Libraries are here to help you.  This checklist will help get you set up and ready to do research in the chemical sciences.  If you're already an experienced scientist but new to UT-Austin, this list will help you figure out where everything is. 

Using your EID

  • You will need your EID and password to renew books, log into library workstations and scanners, and access licensed resources from off campus.
  • Make sure that you choose a strong password, which is required for login to library workstations and most other things.
  • Install and set up Duo for multifactor authentication on your mobile device, which is required for logging into many campus applications, including off-campus access to licensed resources.
  • NEVER share your EID and password with anyone else. Watch out for phishing scams that ask for them!
  • Attention new grad students:  You won't be authorized for off-campus access to library resources or checkout privileges until your UT-EID reflects your status as an enrolled and paid current student.
  • Attention new postdocs: UT-EIDs assigned to incoming postdocs and official visitors may not have sufficient privileges to allow you to access library resources remotely (off campus) or to view the SciFinder registration pages. Consult with your department and the ID Center if you have problems.

Off Campus Access Shortcut: Proxy Bookmarklet

To access any licensed resources when you're off campus, you need to be in a proxy browser session that provides a recognized UT IP address to our publishers and vendors.  Here's a shortcut to initiate a proxy session from your browser screen without having to start over from a library web page or paste in a URL prefix.  You can create a bookmarklet in your browser that accomplishes this with a single click.  This works in most popular browsers such as Chrome and Firefox.

  1. Open your browser's Bookmark management panel. 
  2. Add a new bookmark.
  3. Paste this code into the URL field of the new bookmark:  javascript:void(location.href=%22
  4. Name the bookmarklet "Proxy" or some other recognizable name, and save it.
  5. Move the new bookmark into your browser's bookmark toolbar for easy access.

Now, when you land on a restricted page such as a subscription article, a publisher or database home page, or an e-book that we have access to, just click the Proxy button in your toolbar and it'll take you to the EID login screen and then Duo, where you can authenticate and then get access to the site.  Your proxy session will stay live as long as you're actively using it, so you only need to log in once.  Remember:

  • This shortcut will only work for sites and content that we have access to through our existing licenses and subscriptions. 
  • Your browser must be set to accept cookies, popups, and Javascript.  Macs running Chrome may encounter other problems with this.
  • VPN doesn't work for off campus access.  Disconnect VPN and then log in via the proxy server.

Your Email identity


  • Set up any necessary UT email accounts, and make sure all your new mail is forwarded from accounts you will not use much to the account you will use most.
  • Log into UTDirect and make sure your preferred email address is entered. This is the address to which official University communications - including mail from the Libraries - will be sent. You are solely responsible for making sure official communications reach you.
  • Make sure mail from is whitelisted (not marked as junk). Automated Library overdue reminders and recall notices come from that source. Failure to receive or read notices does not excuse borrowers from circulation policies or penalties.

Register for your SciFinder account.

  • If you already have an account from another institution, you'll have to create a new one - they are not transferable. 
  • An email account ending in is required to register.

Start keeping up with the Literature


  • You can set up "Keep Me Posted" alerts based on saved search queries in SciFinder, Reaxys, or Web of Science.
  • You can set up email or RSS feeds for new content in your favorite journals.
  • You can set up alerts in the Library Catalog to find out about new books matching your interests.

Select a Reference Manager Tool.


You're going to be searching and saving a lot of literature references and articles, and a reference management tool such as EndNote (the more powerful software version or the free web version), Mendeley or Zotero will help you organize and keep track of them. 

Install an Article Finder.


Unfortunately, the library isn't able to give you immediate access to everything. Tracking down free or open versions of published articles or preprints is becoming increasingly important in a world full of paywalls.  Browser plug-ins such as Unpaywall or Open Access Button can make this easier by automatically looking for different versions of articles you land on in your searching and browsing, including inside Google Scholar and Web of Science.  Try one for yourself!

[See more]

Manage your reputation.

checkmark  ORCiD

If you don't already have one, you'll need one as you start publishing in journals and applying for grants.  An ORCID iD is the solution to the problem that many researchers today share identical names and use varying forms of their names to publish.  The ORCiD is a personal, permanent, free, and non-proprietary digital identifier to which you can link all your publications, resolve name ambiguity, and make your work more easily findable.  Take the time now to register, create your profile, and link any publications you already have to it, and use it when you submit manuscripts to journals and applications to funding agencies.  It's easy.

checkmark Publons

Consider setting up a Publons account (formerly known as ResearcherID) for yourself.  This is similar to ORCID but it's easier to import records from Web of Science and track your impact metrics and peer reviewing work.  It's free and portable. 

Know the services the Libraries provide to you.


  • Our Library Catalog is your only source for finding out what (e)books, (e)journals, media, and other materials are available in the UT Libraries and how you get them. 
  • Our Get a Scan service lets you request free scans of journal articles and book chapters from any campus library or storage facility, and beyond.  Our Interlibrary Services unit will get almost anything for you, including loans of books not owned by UT, and it's free of charge.
  • Our Pick It Up service lets you request delivery of books and media from any campus library to the branch of your choice, including those checked out to others.
  • Our Ask a Librarian virtual reference service lets you chat and email questions, or schedule a consultation with a librarian.
  • Instructors: Set up your course reserves using an online request form.
  • Research Data Services are available to help you manage and preserve the data generated in your work.
  • Texas ScholarWorks is UT Austin's digital repository for text-based scholarly output in many forms, including dissertations and theses. 
  • Texas Data Repository is the state's repository for publishing and archiving datasets produced by our researchers, managed by the Texas Digital Library (TDL) consortium. 

Physical Sciences Librarian

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 Generic License.