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University of Texas University of Texas Libraries



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Off-Campus Access

When you are outside the UT campus network, your browser must have a UT IP address to access the library's licensed resources.  You get this via our Proxy Server.

  • Follow a link in the Library Catalog or any library guide or web page, or
  • Paste in front of your target URL.
  • Authenticate with your EID and Duo when prompted.
  • VPN does NOT work with proxy.

Library Services

Mallet Library windowThe circulating book and reference collections formerly housed in the Mallet Chemistry Library are now in the closed-stacks Collections Deposit Library (CDL).  Use our Pick It Up service in the LIbrary Catalog to request any circulating book. 

Reserves textbooks currently requested by instructors are in the PMA Library.  Printed journals are kept in remote storage facilities.

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Chemistry Librarian

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 Generic License.