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University of Texas University of Texas Libraries


Stuff about Geosciences

Other Series

Series Publications

American Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG)

The Decade of North American Geology (D-NAG) Project was published between 1982 and 2005 by the Geological Society of America. The D-NAG project was intended to provide a systematic synthesis of geological knowledge of North America to serve as a benchmark of research up through the 1980s.

Most volumes of D-NAG are available electronically via Geoscience World E-books, and for PDF purchase via the GSA Bookstore. Print copies in the library are classified separately by specific subject.

European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers


EarthDoc is currently unavailable.

Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies (GCAGS)

Geological Society of America (GSA)

Geological Society of London

Society of Exploration Geophysicists

The SEG Digital Library contains full text of series including:

  • Course Notes Series
  • Geophysical Developments Series
  • Geophysical Monograph Series
  • Geophysical References Series
  • Investigations in Geophysics
  • Open File Publications

Search the Library Catalog for older volumes.

Society for Sedimentary Geology (SEPM)

(formerly Society of Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists).

U.S. Bureau of Mines

The USBM was established in 1910 within the Dept. of the Interior to oversee mining and mineral production.  It closed in 1996 and its functions were moved to the USGS Mineral Resources Program.  Its historical publications fall largely into the federal technical report category.  Many reports have been digitized in various repositories:  NTIS-NTRL, TRAIL, HathiTrust, etc.

How to Find a Geoscience Series

What is a "Series"?

A Series is a sequential publication, often numbered but not always, that is monographic in nature.  Volumes in a series are usually published irregularly, i.e. not on a set schedule like a periodical.  Some series are enormous and publish many volumes in a year; others are less frequent and may publish only a few volumes over a number of years.  Publishers may be governmental agencies (e.g. the USGS, and state surveys), professional organizations (e.g. Geological Society of America), or for-profit companies (e.g. Elsevier).  The library may acquire a series selectively, or in its entirety via standing order.  Historically they were only in print; now they may be available electronically on subscribed platforms (particularly Geoscience World, AAPG Datapages, Lyell Collection), or as individual e-books.

Are all Series Volumes listed separately in the Library Catalog?

No!  While some printed series volumes are individually cataloged as separate books, many are not.  And some series available on electronic platforms are not listed in our Catalog at all.  If you don't find what you're looking for, ask.

Finding a specific report or issue for a series can be tricky. Some reports can be found by their individual titles; other reports can only be found by their series titles. Some series may be shelved in sequence at the same call number in the library; other series may be scattered according to the topic of each issue or report.  You may need to try a variety of search techniques in the Library Catalog to locate what you are looking for.

These are important pieces of information to have.  You can often find them in GeoRef.


Search in the LIbrary Catalog by:

  • Individual title or author: do a keyword or author search. (Hint: If you find a catalog record that matches, there should be a series and report number traced on the record. By following the series tracing link, you can find other reports in a chronological list.)
  • Series title for monograph: do a keyword search; include the report number as well.
  • Series title for serial:  do a keyword or Journal search for the series name, but leave out the number. 

Example Reference:

Hentz, Tucker F.  2010. Sequence stratigraphy, depositional facies, and reservoir attributes of the upper cretaceous Woodbine Group, East Texas Field. Report of investigations (University of Texas at Austin. Bureau of Economic Geology) ; no. 274.

Breaking down the reference:

  • AUTHOR:  Hentz, Tucker F. 
  • YEAR:  2010.
  • REPORT TITLE:  Sequence stratigraphy, depositional facies, and reservoir attributes of the upper cretaceous Woodbine Group, East Texas Field.
  • SERIES TITLE:  Report of investigations
  • SERIES PUBLISHER: (University of Texas at Austin. Bureau of Economic Geology) ;
  • SERIES NUMBER:  no. 274.

Searching options:

  • Search query for author/title:  hentz sequence stratigraphy upper cretaceous woodbine
  • Search query for report series/number:  bureau economic geology report 274

Just use enough words from the reference you have to be fairly specific, and if the report is individually cataloged it should pop right up.  If it doesn't, then try searching only the series or serial title (no author or number) to see if the series is available. 

Be sure to select "Library Catalog" as your search scope:

screen snap of search box entry

This search results in the single record you're looking for:

screen snap of catalog result





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