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Case Reports

What is a Case Report?

"A case report is a description of a single case with unique features. This includes a previously unreported clinical condition, previously unreported observation of a recognised disease, unique use of imaging or diagnostic test to reveal a disease, previously unreported treatment in a recognised disease, or previously unreported complication of a procedure. Case reports should be short and focused, with a limited number of figures and references. The structure of a case report usually comprises a short unstructured (or no) abstract, brief (or no) introduction, succinct but comprehensive report of the case, and to the point discussion" (Peh & Ng, 2010). 

Peh WC, Ng KH. Writing a case report. Singapore Med J. 2010 Jan;51(1):10-3; quiz 14. PMID: 20200769

BMJ Case Reports

BMJ Case Reports search box

BMJ Case Reports accepts cases in a wide range of clinical and non-clinical specialties, so there are opportunities for students, staff and faculty in medicine, nursing and public health. 

If you're interested in publishing with BMJ, they offer a variety of resources in order to help potentials authors during the writing process. These resources include a pre-submission checklist, a case template word document, and a patient consent document. These and other resources can all be found on their "For Authors" page.

Dell Medical School offers a Fellowship that allows students and faculty to publish with BMJ Case Reports for free! For more information, contact Dell Medical School Librarian Imelda Vetter

Why should you write a case report?

For medical students and residents, case reports can act as a first step in being published in medical journals. They also offer an opportunity to engage with scientific writing and practice critical thinking skills. 

Case Report Resources

Writing a Case Report


Guide from CARE (CAse REports) on how to write a case report step-by-step.

Writing a Clinical Vignette (Case Report) Abstract

The ACP's (American College of Physician) guide on how to write an abstract for a case report.

Writing an Excellent Case Report

Short article from C. Fielder Camm that explains why a case report was selected as the European Heart Journal's case report of the year.

How to choose the best journal for your case report

Comprehensive article that offers an overview of journals publishing case reviews.

Writing Case Reports: How to Enjoy the Journey

Article that provides information on writing case reports and discusses their place as a time-honored medical tradition.

How to write a case report (Video)

Youtube video from research fellow Bishoy Gubran that provides an overview of the writing process.

How to Write Better Medical Papers

See chapter on Case Reports

Reporting and Publishing Research in the Biomedical Sciences

See chapter on Case Reports and Case Series

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 Generic License.