To acquire the evidence, you must develop an effective search strategy. Search strategies may vary from one database to another. Searching for the evidence-based literature is an iterative process and will involve one or more of these strategies: identifying synonyms and subject terms for each concept, trying broad and narrow concept searching, adding and subtracting concepts to decrease or increase, respectively, the number of results, and filtering results according to particular parameters such as dates published, type of article, etc.
Once again, the clinical question is: For a 55 year old woman with osteoporosis, is a regimen of calcium, vitamin D, and/or weight bearing exercise as effective as treatment with bisphosponates in preventing additional bone loss?
Here is an example of a search strategy:
There are a variety of article databases in which to search for the evidence-based literature. Click on the various tabs on this webpage to explore these databases and other helpful resources.
Use article databases to search for primary research articles, systematic reviews, meta-analyses, and clinical practice guidelines.
Set up LibKey Nomad to find access through the UT Libraries subscriptions and purchases.
Journal articles are indexed for MEDLINE using NLM's controlled vocabulary, MeSH (Medical Subject Headings). Citations are created by the National Library of Medicine, International MEDLARS partners, and cooperating professional organizations.
Corresponds in part to the following print indexes: Index Medicus, Index to Dental Literature, and International Nursing.
Journal articles are indexed for MEDLINE using NLM's controlled vocabulary, MeSH (Medical Subject Headings). Citations are created by the National Library of Medicine, International MEDLARS partners, and cooperating professional organizations.
MEDLINE has worldwide coverage, but 88% of the citations in current MEDLINE are to English-language sources and 76% have English abstracts.
NLM provides free access to MEDLINE through PubMed.
Has over 1.8 million individual records, some dating back to 1887, and includes abstracts from Psychological Abstracts back to 1927, Psychological Bulletin from 1921-1926, and all APA journals and the American Journal of Psychology back to their first issues. Corresponds in part to the print index Psychological Abstracts.
The Web of Science platform currently also provides temporary access to several databases that are not part of the Core Collection, including Biosis Citation Index, Data Citation Index, and Zoological Record.
Set up LibKey Nomad to find access through the UT Libraries subscriptions and purchases.
On the search results page, results are categorized by type of article, including "Guidelines."
Additional links to guidelines may be found in the Residency Resources section.
These types of resources use an appraisal process to review and evaluate primary research studies, systematic reviews, and meta-analyses and apply scaled ratings or graded recommendations. When physicians use a point-of-care tool, they know that studies have been vetted for quality, validity, and relevance, and thus, they can feel confident in utilizing the information right away at the point of care with a patient.
ACP Journal Club - a monthly feature in the journal Annals of Internal Medicine. Research staff and clinical editors rigorously appraise original studies and systematic reviews from more than 110 journals and summarize them in value-added abstracts. Ten journal club appraisals are published monthly. Included studies need to meet specific study design quality criteria and are rated on a scale from 1 to 7 on clinical relevance and newsworthiness in its field.
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