Open the database and follow the instructions (in the PDF below) to register. Users may register using or email accounts.
Within StatPearls' suite of educational resources are practice certification exams for USMLE Step 1, Step 2, and Step 3.
StatPearls from STAT!Ref is a high-quality, effective and powerful board review tool that can be used anytime and anywhere via a phone, tablet or computer. Currently the Library has access to the following:
Family Medicine
Critical Care Nursing
NAPLEX for the Pharmacy program
USMLE Step exams
Open the database and follow the instructions to register. Users may register using,, or email accounts.
This database contains several tools for test preparation:
• Study Tools, which include review questions, flashcards, clerkship topics, and a game called “Showdown” to assist students and residents in exam preparation.
• Case Files – clinical case files selected from the LANGE Case Files series. Specialties include anatomy, neuroscience, biochemistry, microbiology, neuroscience, pathology, pharmacology, physiology, pathophysiology, and clinical medicine fields - emergency medicine, family medicine, internal medicine, neurology, ob/gyn, pediatrics, psychiatry, surgery, and anesthesiology.
• Fluid/Electrolyte and Acid-Base Cases – from Harrison’s Principles of Internal Medicine: Cases
Updated regularly. A collection of over 80 leading medical textbooks plus an extensive multimedia library, Diagnosaurus differential diagnosis tool, patient education materials, practice guidelines, diagnostic tests and an integrated drug database. AccessMedicine also features self-assessment tools, Lange Case Files series, and online learning tools for medical education and board exams review. Featured textbooks include: Harrison’s Online, Tintinalli’s Emergency Medicine, Current Medical Diagnosis & Treatment, Principles and Practice of Hospital Medicine, and Schwartz’s Principles of Surgery.
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