National Institutes of Health / National Library of Medicine / CDC / WHO
Other Databases/Portals to the COVID-19 Scholarly Literature
Major Medical Journals
Medical Publishers
Miscellaneous Organizations
Preprints are research articles that are in their pre-peer-review status. The purpose of their early access is to get research out as quickly as possible as the peer-review and publication processes can delay timely dissemination of research results. But, remember that without the peer-review process, one should carefully evaluate these articles for quality and accuracy.
Lisa Scarborough, Director of Faculty Development in the Office of the Vice President for Research, is currently maintaining a list of COVID-19 research opportunities in the PIVOT database. Access it here:
Note: You will need to login with your UT EID and password to see Lisa's curated list. If your initial login attempt results in a blank result set, click on the above link a second time.
Most recent edition. Unlimited users.
Updated regularly. A collection of over 80 leading medical textbooks plus an extensive multimedia library, Diagnosaurus differential diagnosis tool, patient education materials, practice guidelines, diagnostic tests and an integrated drug database. AccessMedicine also features self-assessment tools, Lange Case Files series, and online learning tools for medical education and board exams review. Featured textbooks include: Harrison’s Online, Tintinalli’s Emergency Medicine, Current Medical Diagnosis & Treatment, Principles and Practice of Hospital Medicine, and Schwartz’s Principles of Surgery.
Create a free My Access account while logged in to access content without additional logins required. My Access also enables creation and saving of practice tests, saving and downloading images.
NIH (National Institutes of Health)
Other Departments of the US Government
World Health Organization
American Medical Association
Association of American Medical Colleges
Other Organizations
Other Countries' Government Webpages: Guidance
Case Data - Interactive Maps
Users can examine geographic areas while selecting the type of data to be shown, such as population density or income level. The corresponding data tables are also available.
Prediction Visuals
Other Visualizations
Data Repositories
News from Medical Organizations
Academic News Sources
Select Articles
As school systems start to decide/plan about reopening and parents decide between sending their children to school or keeping them at home, medical organizations, cities, and researchers are studying the evidence and developing steps to move forward. Helpful resources include the scholarly literature, school system planning documents, and guidelines/recommendations from medical experts.
Additionally, there are some resources listed below about the reopening of institutions of higher education.
School Reopening Plans
Scholarly Literature
Higher Education
Retractions happen when there is a question as to the validity of a paper. This can be the result of author misconduct such as plagiarism, copyright infringement, or fabrication; a major scientific error in the study such as a miscalculation or experimental error; or a lack of transparency.
Peer-review processes are very important in helping to catch articles suffering from misconduct or errors. If the article is deemed still publishable, peer-reviewers will require revisions to the article to fix the errors. But some articles may slip through, and later, after being discovered to contain error or misconduct, the article will be retracted.
Two recent papers with Covid-19 data have been retracted because of the lack of transparency from the data source. The two papers are:
Hydroxycholoroquine or chloroquine with or without a macrolide for treatment of COVID-19: A multinational registry analysis. Lancet. May 22, 2020. Retraction letter
Cardiovascular disease, drug therapy, and mortality in Covid-19. NEJM, May 1, 2020. Retraction Letter
News Articles:
Offord C. Lancet, NEJM retract Surgisphere studies on COVID-19 patients. The Scientist. June 4, 2020 - News story regarding these two retractions.
Humer C, Taylor M. Retracted COVID-19 studies expose holes in vetting of data firms. Reuters Health News. June 9, 2020 - News article about the importance of checking data sources.
Vuong. Q-H. Reform retractions to make them more transparent. Nature. June 8, 2020; 582:149.
Retraction website:
Search for retractions in databases:
Set up LibKey Nomad to find access through the UT Libraries subscriptions and purchases.
The Web of Science platform currently also provides temporary access to several databases that are not part of the Core Collection, including Biosis Citation Index, Data Citation Index, and Zoological Record.
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